Thursday, October 3, 2019

The history of the Islamic faith Essay Example for Free

The history of the Islamic faith Essay Introduction This is a topic on the Muslims {Islam}. I will be covering the history of the Islamic faith. I will also be talking about the mosques and I will give a drawing on one. I will mention Ramadan and what it is like for a kid to fast in the month of Ramadan. I will write about a birth and marriage and also death. So please read on. The History Of Islam The Islamic faith first started of when a man called Muhammad. Lived in a city called Makkah, 1,400 years ago. He was being troubled by his destiny and poverty. One day when he was in the rocks of Makkah, he saw an angel. In the hand of the angel was a cloth, on the cloth was some writing, and Muhammad could not read the writing so the angel told him what it said. The cloth was explaining how much power Allah had, and that he should be worshiped more. So Muhammad went back to his village and told everyone about Allah and the angel. Mekkah Mekkah is the holy place for Muslims. They have a rule that you must be a Muslims to enter Mekkah. It is most important place to Muslims because, it is were Muhammad live years ago. Muhammad was at the age of 40 when he saw the angel at the top of the massive pile of rocks. In the town of Mekkah there is a massive building called the Kaba. Kaba is cube-shaped shrine, covered in a black and gold velvet. The Muslims for good luck kiss the Kaba. Quran We believe the Quran (also written Koran) contains the words of Allah, which the angels revealed to Muhammad. Muhammad learned the words off by heart, and friends wrote them down for him. The words are in Arabic, and Muslims try to learn the Quran, the Quran is the words that were given to Muhammad. The Quran is treated with great respect and is only touched by people that are clean all over. It is wrapped in an ornate cloth to keep it in neat condition. The Quran is written in different styles of Arabic because it was written in a period of 23 years so different people wrote the Quran. Ramadan Ramadan is a fast every 9 months. During he month of Ramadan Muslims must fast (not eat or drink) from dawn to dusk. Adults eat breakfast before daylight and then nothing until dinner after sunset. Part of the reason for Ramadan is to make us aware of the needs of others. There are some people who are permitted to eat during daylight; they are pregnant women, to keep their baby healthy, and women who are feeding their babies. Also the very young or very old are permitted to eat. If you are a sportsman/woman and are training a lot in the day you are allowed to drink. The sick and disabled are also allowed to eat and drink. Birth This is what happens when a baby is born:- The first ceremony takes place as soon as a baby is born. We believe that a child is a gift from Allah and must be brought into the faith as quickly as possible. The baby is washed and the call to prayer is whispered in its right ear. A second call to worship is whispered in the babies left ear. Next honey or a piece of sugar is placed on the babies tongue as a sign of a happy life. Marriage A Muslim marriage is usally a lot of fun, with partys and colourful cloths. Many marriages are arranged by the brides farther, although our law is that the bride cannot be forced to get marred. The wedding ceremony is not a religious ceremony. The man proposes, and the woman accepts in front of witnesses. They both sign a contract (document) to make it legal. Also the man gives the bride a sum of money that is only the brides to spend. Death This is what happens at a burial or death:- When a person dies, the body is wrapped in white sheets and buried as soon as possible. Friend call on family to show there respect and support. Muslims believe that one day the dead will rise to life and be judged by Allah. It is to be said that the good will go to paradise, and all the others will go to ever lasting fire. Mosque The word Mosque comes from an Arabic word, meaning Place of Prostration. It is the house of prayer, where Muslims gather together to worship Allah. There are many different styles of Mosque, and they reflect the traditional architecture of the countries in which they are found, however, all of them share common design features. Perhaps the most distinctive element of a Mosque is its minaret, the tall slender tower designed to be seen from a distance as a reminder of Allahs presence. Before you enter a Mosque you must be clean all over, e.g. wash hands, legs and arms etc. You must also take off your shoes for cleanliness and health. Conclusion I learnt too much in this topic to right it all down, so I will give some ideas of what I learnt. One of the main things that I learnt is how the Islamic faith stared, and that the Quran was some words on a piece of cloth show to Muhammad by an angel sent by Allah .I also learnt that Ramadan is hard to keep and it is I good thing to show what it is like for poor homeless beggar.

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