Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Experiments made in Transfer of Training or Learning Essay

The question of transfer has been definitely put to a test in order to show far training in one line influences other lines. Many experiments and studies in transfer of training have been performed by psychologists. Starch considered the problem of transfer in two fields: 1. Transfer in Specific Psychological Activities—The experiments performed in this field were the following: Experiments in memory, by James—William James was the first to attack the problem of memory-training experimentally. He investigated the effort of memorizing one kind of material on ability to memorize other kinds of materials. James himself memorized 158 lines from Victor Hugo’s Satyr and kept record of the time spent. He then devoted thirty-eight days (20 minutes per day) to the mastery of Milton’s Paradise Lost. After his Training in memorization, he selected another 158 lines from the Satyr and memorized them. He discovered that he needed more time to learn this selection than he had spent in memorizing the first selection from the Satyr. His result showed negative transfer. From their studies James was led to believe that formal discipline is not an efficacious means of improving the memory (National Society for the Study of Education, 2000). Experiment in perception, by Thorndike and Woodworth, in 1901— Thorndike and Woodworth studied the influence of special training on the estimation of magnitudes upon the ability to estimate magnitudes of the same general type, and the influence of training in observing words containing certain other letters. Thorndike and Woodworth concluded from the first part of the experiment that there was more improvement in the ability to estimate areas similar to the practice material than in the ability to estimate dissimilar areas. The result of the second experiment showed that practice in cancelling words with certain letters had an indirect effect on the cancelling words of words with other letters (National Society for the Study of Education, 2000). Experiments in judging weights of various sizes transferred to estimation of other weights, by Coover, in 1916—these experiments showed positive transfer. Experiments in maze-learning for both rats and human, by Webb in 1971—It was concluded from the results of these experiments that there were carry over effects from practice in one sensory-motor activity to another but the amount of transfer varied with the individual subject (Morgan, 1999). From these studies of transfer two conclusions may be drawn: (a) both negative and positive transfers occur between specific learning activities: (b) the more similar the specific activities, the greater the positive transfer. In other words, whatever transfer occurred could be expanded in terms of identical elements of procedure, habits, and methods. Transfer in School Subjects—Most of the experimental studies made of transfer in high school subjects were the following: From Latin to English by Thorndike and Rugger in 1923—Thorndike and Rugger found out that their studies that high school freshmen who studied Latin made slightly higher scores in an English vocabulary test than did students who had not studied Latin, the gain made on all words derived from Latin roots. So far as pedagogical practice is concerned, Thorndike’s and Rugger’s investigation established the fact of transfer of training (Skinner, 2000). From Latin to English vocabulary, by Hamblen in 1924—Hamblen concluded that transfer from Latin to English vocabulary was great when word derivations were stressed in the teaching of Latin (Skinner, 2000). In conclusion, experiments in the effect of cross-education, in observing and judging sensory and perceptual data, and in forming sensory motor association habits have been conducted in considerable number by other psychologists. A few experiments in special school functions have also been carried out. The results obtained from the experiments in those different lines, although confusing and sometimes contradictory, seem to warrant the belief that the old idea of a vast transfer, in some subtle and unexplained way, of special improvements to a general faculty, is false. It may be summed up by saying that the weight of evidence is all against formal discipline. The experimental evidence is against the idea that the faculties or powers of the mind can be trained like muscles so that the strengthening of these powers will automatically insure a high degree of efficiency in new and unrelated material or activities.

My Relationship

Brittany English 101-B35 9/28/2012 A relationship between two people can have very different meanings. In some relationships such as two lovers, they can also be best friends because they share good communication. A relationship between a parent and child has a special bond because they share love, and affection for each other. However, there are times when a relationship can go bad because there is no understanding, lack of communication, and a feeling of distance in the relationship.Relationships in all parts of our lives contribute to our well-being. Through our relationships, we are sustained in our personal growth and development. Our relationships provide us with the support we need to grow and to handle challenges we can face. In relationships, people like, respect, and trust each other. These are paramount foundations to a healthy relationship. We can accept each other for who we are, including the ways people grow and change over time.For an example I’ve been with my boyfriend Michael for almost three years now and although we’ve gone a lot of problems he has always been there for me. I’ve been able to over a lot of things in my life with him by my side, he’s helped me build confidence and made me realize that everyone as an opinion that doesn’t mean I have to take to heart. I really have no idea what I would without him by my side.The toughest thing that we’ve had to overcome in our relationship is when I was pregnant earlier this year and my dad wasn’t very happy about it so he kicked me out. I moved in with Michael and things got really tough that we decided to part ways, so I moved in with my mother but he said he was going to do all that he could to make things right even if we weren’t together he was going to be there for our child and be the dad he never had, three months down the road we lost our child.After our loss I moved back in with my father and things went back to normal. Since then Michael and I got back together and so many things have changed with our relationship all the problems have seemed to disappear and we’ve become closer despite my parents not wanting me with him. He truly is the perfect guy for me. As for his looks go he’s crazy tall, 6’5† which makes me happy because I love a guy much taller than me being that I’m 5’6† myself. He has big brown eyes that when the light hits them they like look a dark green.He’s a little over weight but it something he’s working on. He has four tattoos, two on right shoulder and one on his left and on the left side of his chest my favorite out of them all would be the tree that has he has on his right shoulder, I don’t know why I just have a fascination with nature and trees. As for his personality He’s Kind, compassionate, and sympathetic. Has a great sense of humor and is loyal. He’s Strong enough to lean on when I need to but comfor table enough to cry if things get bad.He has an easy going temperament and not afraid to say sorry when he is wrong. He even goes out of his way to cheer me up when I am blue. He is completely trust worthy and I can’t talk to him about everything, he’s truly are amazing. He truly has showed me what love really is and I wouldn’t want it any other way For as long as I have been with him people have asked me â€Å"why are you with him†? During our difficult times I seriously had to sit and think about the reasons why I was with him, for the longest time I didn’t really see what we had in common.I mean we don’t have the same taste in music; I am rather organized where he is rather sloppy, we don’t like the same types of food, our childhood upbringing and family could not be any dis similar. So as I reviewed these different aspects of what I expect most people to have in common I started to realize that we didn’t have anything in co mmon, It wasn’t until I got so frustrated and angry that I actually confronted him telling him we had nothing in common, that he showed me a different way to look at it.He said with a smile on his face â€Å" of course we don’t have any of those things in common, but that’s not why I love you† after he said those words I realized I didn’t love him for any of those reasons either , but it was all the intangible things about him that I loved some much, and after I saw that, I realized we did in fact have some things in common that I never even thought about, like each of us has an appreciation for art, beauty, and nature.We both love animals and the ocean, but I don’t think I would have ever actually seen all the things we do have in common until I stretched my brain a little to look outside the normal view of what most of my peers have in common with their significant others, and it made me smile to think that even though we both together mig ht act like silly little children and laugh about the stupidest things most times, we really have a loving and mature relationship (most of the time).I would say the song that describes our relationship the best would be the perfect to by auburn. The song displays the true love between these two people and how they go hand and hand, that they wouldn’t be anything without one another. To me a romantic relationship is a commitment, compromise, acceptance, and love.You must commit yourself to work on improving the relationship, you must often compromise to come to an agreement on many issues, and you must accept the other person for who they are and not try to change them, as change can only come from within. You must love yourself before you can love someone else, and you must love the other person enough to put their needs before your own. Auburn. â€Å"Where the Perfect Two. † Perfect Two. Beluga Heights , 2011.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Rastafarian religion Essay

Rastafarian religion and everything it includes and goes around is under a strict eye of Jamaican people as well as anthropologists and sociologists on the island and from nearby countries. In fact, this culture splashed out of the current residents of Jamaica (its population) moved to this place mainly from Ethiopia. Noel Leo Erskine could talk about Rasta and followers of this cult, as this author has a clear idea of what it is entirely. He could duly count down a period of time to shape the prerequisites and consequences of Rastafarian culture on Jamaica and its impact on African race and the values of bringing in something ethnically pure and original. On the other side, Anthony F. C. Wallace provides a theoretical approach toward getting indigenous peoples right. It is all about the anthropological implementation in each among most applicable approaches. The book by Erskine is a so-called material to apply to Wallace’s anthropological perspective. It means that the overall analysis of Erskine, as a person who grew up and lived on Jamaica, encounters theoretical touches provided by Wallace. As far as might be seen, it would be fair to make it plain by dint of purely Jamaican suggestions and assumptions by Erskine proved or matched with the theoretical side of Rastafarian religion outlined by Wallace. First of all, it is vital to admit that the sociology of religion is of interest for Wallace in his anthropological research. The author sincerely points out that each among religions (especially those spread over indigenous people or ethnically unique communities) should be recognized and further analyzed through sociology and anthropology aligned to make out the gist of any religion influencing social equilibrium within the society. In this respect Wallace remarks the following idea: My own personal feeling is that sociological viewpoints (including much social anthropology) tend to focus on the scaffolding and milieu of religion rather than on religion itself, and that religion can best be understood from a combination of psychological and cultural points of view (Wallace, 1966, p. vii) Such idea is well provided by Erskine who tends to be accurate in identifying the so-called â€Å"stacks† of Rasta among Jamaican. As a matter of fact, when Wallace grabs more attention to the factors (anthropological and sociological) or environment in which a definite religion appears, Erskine highlights a historical as well as personal background to interpret it correctly. In this case one should keep it in mind that Noel Erskine covers in his book the social issue of Rastafarians in its ethical and religious parameters. Erskine admits that due to the start of the Rastafarian movement by Marcus Garvey and the summer of Rasta owing to Bob Marley this religion became remarkable worldwide (Erskine, 2007). Thus, it fulfilled beliefs of all African Ethiopian people on Jamaica, as Jamaicans by origin. To make it clear, one should understand that due to the religious pivot black people on Jamaica do not need to be repatriated to Ethiopia, as they have got their spiritual beginning on this island and in the Rastafarian peaceful ideology. The Wallace’s framework of the religions formation presupposes the fact that people should be apt at creating their values (Wallace, 1966). These ones bear specific traits peculiar to each among individuals (believers). â€Å"Scaffolding† of a religion is definitely a historical process which requires time and people’s efforts to make it grow in a right direction. Providing an idea of the God, as a black figure, was challenging in a country under British supervision since 1655 up to the period of decolonization (Erskine, 2007). By the way, like in many nations, there were people to raise the feeling of personal uniqueness of Jamaican. Garvey and Marley are symbolically identified in the book by Erskine, as the national heroes and holy people who could make the significance of Jah and Rasta higher amid Christian (Catholic) trends (Erskine, 2007). Wallace in his theoretical ramifications tries to investigate religion in its dynamics and characteristic features by means of finding out the â€Å"meaning of religion in some psychological or sociological function† (Wallace, 1966, p. 51). This corresponds to the way of Erskine’s discussion when he appeals to the mentality of Jamaican people and their strong will for freedom. Religion should unite people for some unique and cutting edge idea. In case with Rastafarians it is so, since it helps Jamaican people find their place â€Å"under the sun of Jamaica. † Religious prospects underlined in the research by Erskine go around the focal point stated as follows: â€Å"God is an African† (Erskine, 2007, p. 158). This strong claim has a background implemented solely in the Rastafarian beliefs and its philosophical and social meaning for Jamaican people. The psychological milieu of the aforementioned statement can be explained in some ways, because God is the manifestation of a definite people’s â€Å"attraction, desire, and union as the fulfillment of desire† (Allen, 1978). Hence, it is possible to say that Erskine has all grounds to state that for Africans God should be an African only. From the anthropological point of view this sounds quite logical, as it is full of characteristic features referred to the history, sociology, philosophy and psychology of Rasta since its formation into a separate religion of African residents on Jamaica. Thus, Wallace’s arguments in describing religion are appropriate to how Erskine points out Rastafarian religious framework and its cultural as well as social value for Jamaicans. This idea can be supported by the excerpt from the Bible where it is told about the importance of Ethiopian people who were in touch with Israeli people in ancient times. This fact cannot but boost the morale African people and their dedication to Christian God but in terms of Rasta. Erskine builds up a strong and biblically supported assumption growing into a statement that â€Å"the exodus will be a return to Ethiopia, the Promised Land† (Erskine, 2007, p. 38). It is when Wallace tries to avoid the issue of meaning in his academic research on the religion in its description and proper formation (Wallace, 1966). Interestingly to admit that the entire picture of Rastafarian religion and its place among the rest of religious trends and ideologies is fully developed and structured. To sum up, the theoretical approaches stated by Anthony F. C. Wallace promote an academic framework for the ideas on Rastafarian religion outlined in the book by Noel Leo Erskine. The anthropological and sociological views which Wallace made cornerstone in his observation of religion on the whole fit the claims and the approach (historical) chosen by Erskine. All in all, the philosophical treatment prescribed to Rasta does not go aside from philosophies included in most popular religions of the world. Reference Allen, D. (1978). Structure and creativity in religion: hermeneutics in Mircea Eliade’s phenomenology and new directions. New York, NY: Walter de Gruyter. Erskine, N. L. (2007). From Garvey to Marley: Rastafari Theology (History of African-American Religions). Boca Raton, FL: University Press of Florida. Wallace, A. F. (1966). Religion; an anthropological view. New York: Random House.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Criminal Justice Policy Issue (Immigration in Arizona) Essay

Criminal Justice Policy Issue (Immigration in Arizona) - Essay Example Therefore, in order to prevent illegal immigration in the American States, it is relevant not only to take strict measures, but also take into account human rights, the rights of immigrants and develop immigration policies in accordance with socially favorable norms and conditions. Immigration policy in Arizona The main goal of the immigration law in Arizona is to make stricter regulations on immigration measures. For example, a failure of having immigration documents is positioned as a crime and the police have power to detain anyone who is in the country illegally. Such measures are considered to be acts of discrimination focused on Hispanics. The rights of the Mexican residents are in danger in terms of this immigration law. Moreover, this policy is even named â€Å"Nazism†. There are numerous court challenges, which occurred in the result of this policy implementation. There is an evident intimidation for the community distrust, increased level of crimes, expensive litigat ion, national repercussions (Engstrom, 2010). Arizona immigrants are obliged to carry the identity documents, which underline their legitimate presence on the American land. Nevertheless, the developers of this law project are more focused on a facilitation of law carrying out. Law enforcement measures are introduced at a governmental level and there is a need to act in compliance with the laws. There was a striking event concerning the background of law enforcement. A rancher in southern Arizona was killed and it triggered Ms. Brewer and other governmental leaders to intensify the protection on the National border by the National Guard troops. Therefore, there are hostile moods among Hispanics and they are against intensification of their immigration. On behalf of the police, it is currently relevant to detain those people who are suspected to be on the American lands without authorization and identification. Only medical treatment of a suspected individual or his/her involvement i n an investigation would hinder this process. Moreover, local government is under pressure and scrutinized attention from the community because it can be sued in case it violates federal or state immigration law enforcement. There is an essential social turmoil in the State because of the immigration law enforcement introduction. Hispanic voters are much concerned about this law and they can be influenced in the process of elections in case of law enforcement prevention. Thus, it is relevant to create a favorable atmosphere of immigration law enforcement. In case it is prevented in different states and cities, it is relevant to talk about removal of â€Å"sanctuary rules† at the federal level. State Sen. Russell Pearce (R-Mesa) invented the Immigration Law of Arizona State and he underlines that the positive changes of the law enforcement are the following ones: Immigrants would be unable to avoid obtaining adequate alien registration document. Officers would be enabled to ar rest immigrants in case the latter cannot show their legal identification of presence on the American lands. Soft immigration enforcement and sanctuary rules would be disabled and would not be regulated by local governments. Street traffic will not be on halt because of overcrowding due to immigrants looking for employement. Evidently, these are rather strict measures taken against immigrants in the State of Arizona. Brewer experienced protesters’ demands of reforms prevention, but promised to treat everyone fairly

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operations Management at Superior Maintenance Services Case Study

Operations Management at Superior Maintenance Services - Case Study Example Through the help of the government agency for technical education and skills development it has developed a manpower training programmeand is considered industry partner for skills development in this sector. With its widespread popularity and good reputation, it has recently diversified its offerings to include marketing and distribution of other organisation's products through joint venture agreements, such as those for restroom odourcounteractant dispensers, floor mats, electronic air cleaners, waterfree urinals, air fresheners, liquid soap dispensers, and rent-a plant services. Business operations at SMS include massive recruitment of potential workers, manpower training, client sourcing, client servicing, manpower deployment and deployed manpower monitoring and supervision, and customer accounting. A full time staff of 30 employees handle administrative services such as accounting and finance, personnel administration, recruitment, marketing and sales, and accounts management through regular coordination by account officers with clients as well as deployed personnel at client premises. According to Slack et al (2004), there are five operations performance objectives: speed, quality, flexibility, dependability or reliability, and efficiency, which includes cost-effectiveness. Speed is the length of time to serve customer orders for products or services, from the moment a customer order is placed up to the time a product or service is delivered. The performance objective of speed is to lessen this length of time. At SMS, speed is a very important objective because normally, a client requests for janitorial or manpower services because of a present and usually urgent need. The ability to serve such requests speedily is critical, otherwise the client may opt to place the order with a competing service provider. To help assure a ready supply of manpower for deployment purposes, continuous recruitment and training is conducted by SMS. Qualified recruits are immediately asked to undergo training to prepare them for immediate deployment as soon as assignments are confirme d with the client. Trainees pay a minimal fee for to cover the cost of materials used during training, consisting of reading materials. At times, some qualified personnel have already joined another organisation. But sine, the manpower pool is large, service delivery times are maintained. The cost of recruitment and training are borne by the company as part of its operating expenses. Quality is the degree to which products and services meet the specifications promised by the organisation to its customers. And to achieve a high and consistent quality, a set of standard procedures must be stringently followed to ensure quality service as well as high-quality products manufactured. In terms of quality service delivery, SMS ensures that the workers it deploys are sufficiently skilled and qualified to perform the services they have to deliver by making them undergo the standard training which is a combination of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on drills and exercises. Moreover, since SMS manufactures its own cleaning solutions, equipment and materials, it has

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Privacy of Social Networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Privacy of Social Networking - Essay Example Various social networking corporations have tried to raise public awareness about the privacy implications of social networking. Arguably, many online users do not take enough time to carefully read and understand the user agreements required by all social networks, and in most cases, they do sign over their privacy rights to these companies so as to access popular social networks. Arguably, data privacy refers to â€Å"freedom from unauthorized intrusion† (Zheleva and Getoor 277). In regard to personal information, privacy refers to â€Å"the right or desire of individuals to control the release of information about themselves† (Altshuler 234). This paper provides a very thoughtful discussion on the privacy of social networking and noting what online users should do in order to protect their privacy. Basically, social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, Linkedin, and MySpace among others are in most cases used to stay in touch with friends, share information, and make new friends. Studies reveal that there are many active users of these social networks worldwide, and that many college students rely on the internet and social networks to connect with other people almost every day (Timm & Duven 89). While these sites serve as a great way to stay in touch with friends, finding new friends, post pictures, share information among others, these sites are also very popular for people with bad intentions like to hack sent messages and stalk others. Stalking is a severe problem that many online users face (Reiher 10). While most people using social networking services are well intentioned, every online user of social networks need to be careful about the information they share online, and how they protect it because some people can intentionally use the information of a person av ailable online to embarrass, steal their identity and damage their reputation. Therefore, all online users need to consider

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cultural Diversity Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Cultural Diversity - Research Proposal Example Therefore to be able to take the optimum contribution of the workforce, companies will have to take care of their sentiments and requirements in such a manner that the workforce feels satisfied while working in the company and while interacting amongst each other. Multinational companies in particular have come to realise the importance of taking good care of their employees in such a manner that the diversity tends to become strength for the company. This study is therefore an effort to analyse how the diversity at the work place affects the working environment and how the companies can take better care of the workers by addressing the diversity concerns. During the study the policies of some of the companies will be studied to find out how they take care of their employees and manage the workforce. An effort would also be made to see how providing equal opportunities to the workforce helps these companies in strengthening the core competencies of the organization and what are types of challenges these companies have faced in the process. In such cases, the viewpoints of the employees too will be taken to see how well they are enjoying the diversity prevailing within the organisation and whether it is helping them in doing their bit towards the goals and objectives of the company. In the era of globalization, thanks to widespread proliferation... The researcher narrates interesting experiences of some of the companies like Texaco, Coca Cola, and Morgan Stanley. It is stated that initially these companies probably thought diversity was just a "good idea" too, until they got hit with lawsuits and much negative publicity. Millions of settlement dollars later, these companies saw the business case for managing diversity well and as a reaction have implemented many strategic diversity initiatives. Pamela Tudor therefore underlines the principle that in order to work with people from diverse backgrounds and be successful in the globalisation era, the prerequisite is effective management of diversity in the organisation. In recent years, China has emerged on the horizon as one of the fastest developing countries. Lower production costs are one main reason for its popularity as a major manufacturing hub. Many international companies, particularly from the western world have shifted their manufacturing facilities to China in order to take advantage of the cheaper labour costs. When MNCs prefer to take advantage of multi-location facilities, lower costs of production, and expertise from the world over, diversity is bound to be there at the workplace. While many of the managers and specialists are being sent to China from western nations, a number of Chinese and other people from South Asia are also being recruited at these manufacturing facilities. Taking good care of the employees therefore requires that the diversity should be managed effectively at these companies. Therefore, it will be interesting to study how the diversity is being managed by some reputed companies while taking care of employee's w elfare. Preliminary Literature Review The Chartered Institute

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6

Criminal Justice - Essay Example This explains why the use of evidence-based policing will empower the police forces to make smarter decisions when controlling and solving crimes (Bueermann, 2012). Despite its advantages, there are cases wherein the police task force may not be knowledgeable enough to implement these strategies properly. For this reason, the process of continuously promoting evidence-based policing may only give the community members a wrong sense of safety and security (Alfredo, n.d.). For example, to reduce crime in Sacramento, the Sacramento Police Department conducted a â€Å"90-day Hot Spot study† between the 8th of February 2011 to the 8th of May 2011 (Sacramento Police Department, 2011). Based on the available crime records, the police highlighted â€Å"42 hot spots† wherein most crime occurred. Based on the research study findings, police visibility by simply patrolling around the hot spot areas for at least 15-minute period daily is effective in reducing crime rates in hot spot areas. Lum et al. (2010) conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine whether or not the use of license plate readers (LPR) can effectively prevent crime in hot spot areas. Throughout 30 hot spots across 2 jurisdictions, police patrols with LPR were assigned to monitor 15 hot spot areas using the â€Å"sweep and sit† approach within a 30-day experimental period. The research findings show that deploying a small number of police patrols with LPR is not sufficient to control crime. Alfredo, D. (n.d.). eHow. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from The Advantages & Disadvantages of Evidence-Based Policing: Lum, C., Merola, L., Willis, J., & Cave, B. (2010, September). Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, George Mason University. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from License Plate

Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Miami Dade County Term Paper

Diabetes Mellitus type 2 in Miami Dade County - Term Paper Example Geographic Boundaries Miami-Dade County is a county located in the southeastern part of the state of Florida. It is the most populous county in Florida and they rank seventh-most in population within the United States. It is Florida's third largest county in terms of overall land area, with approximately, 1,946 square miles. The county is home to 35 incorporated cities, as well as, a number of unincorporated areas. The northern, central and eastern portions of the county are heavily urbanized with many high rises along the coastline. Southern Miami-Dade County includes the Redland and Homestead areas and the Agricultural Redland makes up roughly one third of Miami-Dade County's inhabited land area. It is said to be sparsely populated, in comparison with the heavily populated urban, northern Miami-Dade County (The United States Census Bureau, 2013). Statistics . Miami-Dade County Florida is a heavily diverse population, like many states in the United States, primarily made up of Cauca sians, Hispanics, primarily people of Cuban decent, and Non-Hispanic Black individuals, many of which are of Haitian decent (Rosen, 2007). In Miami-Dade County, approximately, 181,000 people are living with diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2013). Most unsettling is the majority of death from diabetes or diseases and conditions contracted, such as contributory obesity, hypertension, and heart disease, is highest in Miami-Date County as of 2010 (Edwell, Danielson, Smide & Ohrn, 2010). Non-Hispanic blacks and non-Hispanic Caucasians are the most affected. For black Americans the mortality rates due to diabetes or diabetes related conditions are double that of their white counterparts (The Health Council of South Florida, 2008). Miami-Dade County, also, has a large over-60 retiree population, who are also being adversely affected by the prevalence of diabetes. Nursing Diagnosis It is readily obvious that the diabetic epidemic is a serious health concern worthy of further investi gation and study Planning Nursing Interventions It is readily obvious that the diabetic epidemic is a serious health concern worthy of further investigation and study. There is a mass need for greater focus on education, both, for healthcare professionals and for the patients who are diagnosed with a type 2 diagnosis treatment. The dangers of the disease and the serious diseases that diabetes opens the doors for, can and will, alter, damage, or end your life. More importantly is necessity of spreading the message that, under many circumstances, entirely preventable. If this message and greater support were more available then perhaps a dramatic and tangible reduction in the diagnoses of type 2 diabetes will be possible. Short term Goals Short term goals would likely include practical and more available of resources for patients. To establish plans for future endeavors that will help to affect the statistics. Also, perform research on what sorts of educational and healthcare interven tions that may be the most beneficial to implement. For example support groups for patients vs. some sort of counseling to motivate individuals. Long term Goals In the long term it will really be a matter of determining what our research will show. Ideally, the long term would see the realization of more ethnically diverse, economically

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Media Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Media Relations - Essay Example Banks have to target the young generation via such social sites. The success of any business lies under one core fundamental factor: being available where the target clients are. It has not been different for Barclays, which boasts of its great success and a huge number of clients in United Kingdom. The bank has been at the forefront in close relation with media, ensuring that it utilizes social media to reach out to its loyal customer base and tap its potential. Depending on its diverse departments, Barclays has a number of Twitter accounts all branded differently. They are quite active, with the most active being @ BarclaysFooty, an account linked to the sponsored Barclays Premier League. The site has over 159, 000 followers, which is a huge number for a bank twitter account. Most of the times, the posts are often related to football updates and other competitions with the intentions of targeting the football fans. Barclay’s wealth and investment team also have a twitter account labelled @Barclayswealth, which has over 73,000 followers. It does posts financial investment updates and other banking services offered. The customers’ service twitter account is nabbed @BarclaysOnline, having over 48,000 users. It does receive the highest number of interaction with its clients. Its website does grant its clients the link to accessing twitter. During its working hours, the twitter services and responses are quite fast and timely. All potential queries responses are dealt with from Monday to Friday, between 8am to 8pm. The clients have reported satisfaction with the social systems, with the support team responding to a good number of queries, an element that does improve their customer care and public relations with the clients ( With over half a million likes, Barclays Facebook wall has maintained a constant service to its clients, similarly to its Twitter account. It does engage its clients all through the whole day, answering all

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Parliamentary sovereignty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Parliamentary sovereignty - Essay Example The notion of Parliamentary Sovereignty has been central to democratic practice for a considerable period of time. In a democracy, the legislature is elected by popular vote and this has been a major feature of the English Constitution. In the initial stages of democracy in Britain, liberty was at grave risk due to monarchical power.1 As a consequence of the doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty, the Parliament was empowered to enact or rescind any law whatsoever. In addition, no individual or organisation was permitted by English Law to set aside or overrule legislation enacted by Parliament. In R (Jackson) v Attorney General,2 Lord Hope stated that Parliamentary Sovereignty was not absolute. Thereafter he referred to the enactment of the 1972 European Communities Act and the 1998 Human Rights Act which had effectively diminished the power of Parliament to legislate.3 There was disagreement among their Lordships, regarding the ruling in R (Jackson) v Attorney General. This divergenc e in view related to whether the process detailed under section 2 of the Parliament Act 1911 and 1949, could be employed by the House of Commons to extend the life of Parliament beyond 5 years. The decision in the Jackson case apparently supports this view. Most of the members of the House of Lords were against this conclusion.4 However, they were signally unable to substantiate it in a manner that was consistent with promoting the supremacy of Parliament. In particular, Lord Hope highlighted the fact that the notion of absolute legislative sovereignty of Parliament that had been derived by Dicey from Blackstone and Coke was undergoing gradual change. However, in his judgement in this case, Lord Hope refrained from explicitly declaring that the courts lacked the power to question the validity of legislation for the reason that the latter was incompatible with union legislation.5 However, Lord Hope was of the opinion that union legislation was a tangible constraint on Parliamentary S overeignty. As per Lord Hope, the doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty was central to the Constitution. However, due to certain developments, Parliamentary Sovereignty was not absolute. Consequently, it would be incorrect to contend that Parliament’s freedom to legislate is unrestricted.6 In addition, Lord Hope stated that the rule of law, which was implemented by the courts, was the decisive controlling factor, and that the Constitution was founded on this element. Furthermore, Parliamentary Sovereignty would be rendered a hollow doctrine, if the general public refused to acknowledge legislation enacted by it, on the grounds that it was extremely offensive and incongruous. The fulcrum of the British Constitution is the doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty. Dicey, wrote extensively on the doctrine of Parliamentary Sovereignty and deemed it to be the underlying feature of British political institutions, as well as the very bedrock of constitutional law.7 As per Dicey, parlia ment can repeal or enact any law and the judiciary cannot hold a statute to be invalid for the reason that it breaches legal or moral principles.8 Thus, every fundamental law, with the exception of the principle of Parliamentary Sovereignty, can be altered by Parliament. One of the critical features of the rule of sovereignty is that no parliament has the power to bind its successors. Thus, there is no avenue, whereby a parliament can ingrain an Act of Parliament.9 In other words, every Act of Parliament can be repealed by subsequent legislation. Dicey was a strong proponent of the thought that the Rule of Law would be affected by discretionary power, as the latter would ultimately result in arbitrary decisions. This has been criticised by some scholars, who have contended that discretion is inevitable in a modern state, if a wide range of regulatory and welfare duties have to be carried out.10 All the same, several important values are incorporated in the Rule of Law, such as acces s to justice, accountability, certainty, due process, efficiency,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Korean Creation Myth Essay Example for Free

Korean Creation Myth Essay Much as the African myth explaining the creation of its society included a talking mountain god who once lived on earth (Parrinder, African Mythology) does my own myth, based on Korean culture, explain the foundation of one society peopled with characters of strength and fortitude. Long before earth was populated, Panther and Mouse lived in a cave high over a verdant valley in the region of Mount T`aebaeksan on the border between Manchuria and what is now North Korea. There was water flowing in the streams and sun shining on the trees and grass but this was not enough for Panther and Mouse. Although they spent their time playing games and singing songs, they were lonely for additional company. The God of All and Ruler of Heaven Huan-an had a son, Huan-gun, who was also discontent with his own life confined to the heavens. He yearned to live on Earth amongst the valleys and the mountains. Huan-an agreed to honor his son’s wishes based on the requirement that he produce a population of humans worthy of this great gift who would live in the beautiful, mountainous countryside of Mount T’aebaeksan in happiness. Panther and Mouse watched from their cave as Huan-gun arrived with his heavenly ministers who created clouds, rain, and wind to keep the valley below green and lush. â€Å"I want to live down there,† said Mouse one day, scampering to the edge of his cave and watching Huan-ang’s work with great fascination. â€Å"and become human. † â€Å"Then let us go down the mountain and talk to the god,† suggested Panther. Huan-gun watched the two approach. The panther descended the mountain warily, watching where he placed his paws while the mouse scampered happily in and out amongst the boulders and trees. They crossed the stream with Mouse hanging on to Panther’s back and stood before Huan- gun to plead their case. â€Å"To become humans you must first eat only the herbs in this bag. † Huan- gun handed the animals a leather satchel. â€Å"And you must return to your cave, staying out of the sunlight and rain, for one hundred days straight. † For the next fortnight, Huan- gun observed the progress of the animals. He thought that surely Panther would be strong and fearless and triumph over Mouse to win the challenge he had presented. But after only 50 days, Panther emerged from the cave, blinking his big black eyes in the sun. â€Å"I cannot do it,† Panther declared. Huan-gun sent him back to the forest. After 100 days, Mouse came out of the cave. As sunlight touched Mouse’s body, it was transformed into that of a beautiful woman with long black hair and soft brown eyes. Huan-gun was pleased. Mouse had proved to be strong and possessed of great fortitude. He took the woman’s hand and together they lived in the valley. Huan-gun and his mortal wife produced many children and ruled the land with great compassion. Huan-gun taught his sons and daughters to live within the laws of the land and a strict moral code. From their mother they learned to sing and make up games and to call upon their inner strength. When the civilization was well and truly established, Huan-gun took his wife and became god of the mountain, where he could continue to oversee his Earth. From high in the Heavens, Huan-an looked down at the handiwork of his son and he was pleased. Works Cited Parrinder, Geoffrey. African Mythology. New York: Hamlyn Publishing Group, Ltd. , 196

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Psychopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder in Adults

Psychopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder in Adults Forensic Assessment of Adults II Psychopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder Explain the relevance of assessing for psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder in an adult forensic population, as well as the reasons for assessing for psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder. According to the FBI, 1% of the general population in male prisons, 1/3% of male offenders are considered having an antisocial personality disorder, and 10-20% of male offenders are psychopaths (Hare, Ph.D. FBI, et al., 2012). It is believed that psychopathy may be the result of genetics and how the person was raised. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has no diagnosis for psychopathy, yet it is one of five items that define an antisocial personality disorder (Hare, Ph.D. FBI, et al., 2012). Dr. Robert Hare and the FBI believe that psychopathy is the â€Å"most dangerous of any personality disorder (Hare, Ph.D. FBI, et al., 2012)†. Not all psychopaths are criminals or commit criminal acts, and are not violent (Hare, Ph.D. FBI, et al., 2012). One of the reasons for the importance of assessing and diagnosing psychopathy are the symptoms. Psychopaths, also known as sociopaths, are charming, manipulative, have a lack of remorse and a lack of empathy towards others, and have no conscience. They are known to commit violent and serious crimes in a callous remorseless manner. They are selfish, self-centered, feel entitled, do not accept responsibility for the actions, and have an inflated sense of self-worth. They are conniving and won’t hesitate to lie for their own benefit, since they are pathological liars to begin with. They are predatory by nature, have an inflated ego and need to have power and control in all situations. Psychopaths that kill usually plan and calculate the crime in order to maintain their sense of power and control, and the killer usually feels no emotion or remorse. When caught, they blame the victim for the reason they were killed. Drs. Porter, ten Brinke, Wilson, and the FBI state that: â€Å"Psychopathic sex offenders are 2.43 times more likely to be released than their non-psychopathic counterparts, while psychopathic offenders charged with other crimes are 2.79 times more likely to be released.Their acting ability can enable them to frequently manipulate and persuade members of a parole board to release them approximately 2.5 times faster than other offenders up for parole, despite their longer list of offenses and elevated risk (Porter, ten Brinke, Wilson FBI)†. Yet the severity of a psychopath’s condition can vary from other psychopaths. Clinical psychologists have found that psychopathology ranges from those with a lot of psychopathic traits (a full cluster of traits) to those who have less psychopathic traits (milder cluster of traits). They base this by looking at the patients behavioral patterns within their lifetime. Another reason for the importance of assessing psychopathy is to gain a better understanding of psychopathy and in gaining that understanding, it allows forensic psychologists to create treatment strategies for psychopaths. Since psychopaths are skilled manipulators and pathological liars, getting true and accurate information from them can be difficult and frustrating, and by better understanding them, forensic psychologists can also create a specific questioning strategy for law enforcement when they are questioning a psychopath. Law enforcement and forensic psychologists must fully understand psychopaths, identify them, understand the harm and damage they do, and what can be done to treat them effectively. Describe when and where in the adjudicative process assessment for psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder may be used, using specific examples. As juveniles, psychopathic traits become visible, especially during an adjudicative assessment. These include poor control of behavior and early behavior problems, juvenile delinquency, committing a variety of different crimes, impulsive actions, irresponsibility, lack of guilt, no remorse, have no realistic goals to accomplish, and a need for more and more stimulating action within their lives. Assessments to diagnose psychopathy in juveniles are commonly used when the juvenile defendants have a history of mental illness. The sooner juveniles are assessed and diagnosed the better mental health services, community services, and long-term treatment programs they can receive. Even with adults, assessment and diagnosis of psychopathy can help to identify their needs and how to treat them, and can help with future screening and intake in prisons. Explain how assessing for psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder may influence a case outcome, using specific examples. Psychopathological patients with a fuller cluster of traits put society at risk due to their ability to skillfully manipulate others, including authorities. Many psychopaths have manipulated the court and have gotten reduced sentences, and if they were unsuccessful in that endeavor, they have skillfully manipulated to have their sentences appealed in high courts of law (Hà ¤kkà ¤nen-Nyholm, H., PhD. Hare, R.D., PhD, 2009). Some famous psychopathic killers are: Theodore â€Å"Ted† Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jr., Edward â€Å"Ed† Theodore Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer, Albert Fish, Andrei Chikatilo, Richard Ramirez, Albert DeSalvo, Joel Rifkin, Edmund Kemper, Gary Ridgeway (Green River Killer), Arthur Shawcross, and Robert Pickton. Many of these men appeared normal, but had psychopathic traits that were diagnosed only after they had become killers. For Example, John Wayne Gacy, Jr., had been married and divorced twice, had two children (a boy a girl), had his own business, was a community leader and vice-president of the Springfield, Illinois Jaycees, and often performed as a clown for many community children functions—yet he killed 33 men and boys, burying many under the floors of his home he shared with his mother. Ted Bundy went to law school, studied Chinese, worked for the Republican National Convention, worked on GovernorDaniel J. Evanss reelection campaign, and volunteered on a suicide h otline in Seattle—yet he killed 26-38 (possibly more) women, and was convicted and sentenced to death in Florida for killing 5 women and 1 young girl. As Dr. Martha Stout, PhD., pointed out in her book â€Å"The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us (2005), Sociopaths look like everyone else—they can be your neighbor, family member, friend, or someone famous, and you would never even know it (Stout, 2005). The MacDonald Triad, also known as the Homicidal Triad or the Triad of Sociopathy, are three behavioral traits (arson, bedwetting and cruelty to animals) that together or two of the traits combined are believed to be indicators of potential future violence or a psychopathic personality/antisocial personality disorder. While the MacDonald Triad has not been subsequently validated by psychologists and researchers, it is often used by law enforcement and taught in schools, and remains an influential theory of crime. The Psychopathy Checklist- Revised (PCL-R) was developed using a 20 item list, a 3 point scale and the results rate the full extent of a person’s psychopathic tendencies, and it helps to assess what the risks or harming other people are due to the patients psychopathic PCL-R results. It is often used in court cases to assess the defendants’ mental health. Yet despite everything, there has yet to be found a way to effectively treat those who are psychopaths.

Theoretical Perspectives On Globalization

Theoretical Perspectives On Globalization The last century has seen a growth in the intensity of globalisation. It is argued to be one of the main forces that have shaped politics, economies and societies. The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate one of the main theoretical perspectives on globalization. It will begin by defining the concept globalisation. Following this, the assignment will outline two key perspectives n globalisation phenomenon; the hyperglobalists perspective and sceptics perspective. Thereafter, the assignment will examine one policy concern and how it links to the sceptics perspective on globalisation. The assignment will then conclude. Definition of Globalisation The concept of globalisation has been argued to have no distinct definition, is challenging to distinguish and has often been used ambiguously. The term has a theoretical construct that is itself contested and open for various meanings and inflections (Kellner, 1997:25). The meaning of globalisation is dependent on the context in which it is used. It has been argued to be a prominent topic among geographers and sociologists as well as economists and political scientists, and is studied within every paradigm, from neo-classical economics to post-modern social theory to realist international relations theory to Marxism (Radice, 2000: 6, cited in Sudgen and Wilson, 2005:15). Globalisation includes distinct phrases such as global culture, free trade, internationalization and interdependence. According to Mursheed (2001:1) the term is employed in the enumerative sense to define a reaction to increased integration, and the policies that follow from there. On the other hand, Held and McGrew (1999) portrays globalization through the use of four main changes, primarily, it encompasses the eradication of borders as a result of economic, social, and political behaviour. The subsequent characteristic contains the growth of links between culture, trade flows and investment. The third characteristic is the intensification of the combination of consumer preference, ideas, goods, information, capital and people. The last characteristic comprises of the prospective global impact that local developments have on other economies, perhaps resulting in global consequences. Held and McGrew further argue that these are the characteristics that illustrate globalization as remarkably fluid. Theoretical perspectives on globalisation The concept of globalisation has provoked much disagreement and discussions about its benefits and conceptualization. There are two schools of thought that argue two extreme accounts of globalization and its impact. These are referred to as the hyper-globalists and the sceptics. Both views provide a distinct perspective on this topic. Hyperglobalists generally recognize the globalization phenomenon as an element with positive economic, social and political outcomes. Globalisation is considered a process which involves interconnectedness and shapes global integration. According to Ohmae (1995), globalisation represents a new phenomenon whereby international law has predetermined the conclusion of the nation-state. Optimists promote the idea that globalisation established a single global market capable of managing itself. In contrast, sceptics argue that a discussion on globalization condemns the characteristics of globalization supported by the hyperglobalists (Hirst and Thomspon, 199 9). Sceptics reject the notion of a new globalization and argue that globalisation is not unique and has been a longstanding phenomenon. However, sceptics do not oppose globalisation altogether but oppose it in its current form (Deadroff, 2003). Stiglitz (2002) and Kellner (1997) argue that globalization creates dissatisfaction, and is viewed as a new form of capitalism or imperialism which inherently negatively affects tradition, culture and less developed countries. The sceptics perspective on globalisation Having highlighted both extreme perspectives on globalisation, the assignment will now focus on one main theoretical perspective chosen for this particular assignment which is the sceptics perspective. The sceptics argue that globalisation is a necessary myth to conceal developed countries and institutions goal of expanding neo liberal policies globally (Held et al, 1999). They assume that globalisation is a tool used by those in power such as America and Europe to dominate what happens in the world. However, Sceptics do not presuppose a desire to eliminate globalisationbutagree that many aspects of it is awful (Deardroff, 2003:643). For example, sceptics argue that although globalisation benefits developed economies it indirectly disadvantages less developed countries. In 1999 the United Nations found that there were less than 20 less developed countries that had positive gains as a result of globalisation (Shangquan, 2000). The research illustrated that the difference of income per capita reported between the richest countries and the poorest countries had increased from 30 times in 1960 and to 70 times in 2000. Consequently, the difference signifies the magnitude to which globalisation benefits developing countries, however, it is evident that developing countries do not benefit as much as their developed counterparts. Therefore, globalisation is argued to unfairly redistribute income, thereby increasing the wage discrepancies between the skilled and unskilled labor force (Jenkins, 2006). This inevitably creates societal and hierarchical disparities which inherently has an impact on local culture. Culture and globalization Sceptics argue that globalization threatens local tradition and culture (Kellner, 1997). Globalisation is argued to have diffused consumer belief systems through imposing a new sense of identity, displacing traditional cultures and ways of life. According to Hannerz (1991) consumer preferences of products, for example food, movies and music, enables consumers to embrace the culture and tradition of the producers country as it is circulated through distribution. To illustrate, Americanization, which refers to American culture has flooded non-western markets with products priced at resoundingly cheap rates which have been argued to have threatened the availability of local produce resulting in the displacement of local farmers. Fundamentally, host countries purchase American goods which essentially encourage local people into embracing the culture consequently resulting in the reshaping of their own culture. There is a fear among developing nations of losing their tradition and identit y as a nation, for example, countries such as China. China has evidently blocked global cultural influences from accessing their markets through the limitation of access to the internet, media and publications. Conversely, globalisation has been argued to have evidently caused an increase in migration rates and import rates in the UK over the years. Whilst the movement of produce has been enjoyed by the UK, the movement of people has not. Migration has brought forth people with different cultural backgrounds to the UK, which however, has been feared to have had an adverse impact on the English culture and welfare system. Movement has been gained through employment in transnational companies by the educated few whilst the poor have been restricted to illegal means. Nevertheless, in terms of culture, UK has seen an increase in diversity and a high level of the importation of different cultures disseminated through the re-distribution of produce sought from foreign countries which are less developed countries. Critical evaluation Hyperglobalists disregard cultural differences and perceive culture as a variant such as consumer preferences as a result it does not have an impact on the global economy. The new globalization era governs economic, social, political and cultural orders through government and institutional policies (Deardroff, 2003). This has been evidenced through institutions such as The International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organisation, the World Bank and transnational companies. Held et al (1999), note that these institutions facilitate and cultivate the globalisation phenomenon. For example, the World Trade Organisation, which is one of the primary hyperglobalists institutions has influenced universal integration and has an international reputation for its endeavours in shaping the universal market and trade. These institutions are often referred to as the key actors of globalization, argued to have superseded government authority (Klein and Naomi, 2000). However, within these institutions s ceptics argue that decisions made are mostly controlled by the rich countries, e.g. America (Deardroff, 2003). Conclusion To conclude, globalisation is a phenomenon that has been heavily debated from different perspectives over the last century. Having examined the concept and perspectives on globalization this assignment has highlighted the sceptics perspectives on globalisation and its impact on culture. The assignment argues that globalisation is influenced by American culture, dominance and regulations. Culture is important and has been vehemently influenced by globalisation, through the diffusion of western produce, technology, and publication in non-western local markets and homes. The impact socially can be argued to have had both negative and positive results. It is evident that globalisation has had positive impacts on economies and politics, through attempts to improve the health of people in poor countries and attempts to reduce pollution, however, culturally the impact has not been a desired one. Word Count-1403

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

During a short conversation between the Duchess of Berwick, Lady Windermere, and Lord Darlington, author Oscar Wilde exposes such entertaining arrogance that the members of upper class society contain. All the blunt, cynical insults toward the lower class and sarcastic language between the character enlightens the arrogances of the characters and the cruel structure of their society considering the gaps between lower class and high class, along with men and women. The Duchess of Berwick is the first character that is introduced in the excerpt and immediately, there’s a clear idea of what kind of person she is. She has a very harsh conclusion of people below her, as seen; â€Å"I won’t let you know my daughter, you are far too wicked.† Although she knows Darlington well, she will not allow her daughter to think on her own and act on her own accord. It’s dominant that the Duchess values status along with wealth with the saying, â€Å"I don’t know what society is coming to. The most dreadful people seem to go everywhere.† She is very clearly seen to not like the lower class and thinks a bit...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Defending Organized Religion and Kierkegaard’s Anti-Climacus :: Essays Papers

Defending Organized Religion and Kierkegaard’s Anti-Climacus Practice in Christianity, written by the pseudonym[1] of Anti-Climacus, describes the ideal Christian life from the perspective of the ideal Christian. ‘Anti-’ in the sense of ‘Anti-Climacus’ is not an indication of opposition (to Climacus, the ‘devoutly non-Christian’ ethicist and editor of Either/Or whose esthetic sense was particularly keen). Rather, â€Å"Anti-† is an older form of â€Å"ante†, meaning ‘before’ both in the sense of time and in the sense of rank. Anti-Climacus is the perfect Christian; this was useful to Kierkegaard, who could not claim that distinction for himself. Practice in Christianity deals harshly with the Church’s homogenization of Christianity by removing its â€Å"offensiveness.† This paper will examine and analyze several passages from Practice in Christianity, draw parallels between the inoffensive Church of Denmark in the mid-19th century and both the charismatic and â€Å"High-Church†[2] traditions of worship in the United States today, and suggest criteria for sincere, â€Å"offensive† worship in an organized church. Now when John heard in prison about the deeds of the Christ, he sent word by his disciples and said to him, â€Å"Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?† And Jesus answered them, â€Å"Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind receive their sight and the lame walk, lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is he who takes no offense at me.† -Matthew 11:2-6; RSV â€Å"The possibility of offense is the crossroad, or it is like standing at the crossroad†¦one never come to faith except from the possibility of offense.† -Anti-Climacus; Practice in Christianity, pg. 81 What is offensive about Christianity? Surely such a question is absurd, even blasphemous! The word â€Å"Christianity† implies to many people a lifestyle characterized by altruism, kindness, mercy and sincere love—even after centuries of monarchs and murderers alike have used â€Å"Christianity† as an excuse for a variety of causes. Consider also the Christian’s devotion to God and attempted emulation of Christ—it is surely impossible to take umbrage at this patently inoffensive way of life. This argument makes great sense to many who call themselves â€Å"Christians.† Indeed, the concept of Christianity as a belief system is unlikely to offend many. The practice of Christianity, on the other hand, is particularly offensive, albeit not in the sense in which â€Å"offensive† is particularly used.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Basics of Socialism and Communism Essay -- Government History Soci

The Basics of Socialism and Communism The radical political essay, Communist Manifesto- written by the German revolutionary philosopher Karl Marx, addresses numerous sociological problems of the 1800’s. In it, Marx basically calls for a proletariat, or working class, revolt and the installation of communism. Communism, also known as â€Å"scientific socialism†, like the latter name points out, is derived from socialism. These two complicated theories both yield a government that as autonomous political system has the responsibility to govern its country with the people's best interest as the priority. The Communist Manifesto and these ideas, however, can be best understood with an explanation of socialism and communism. Socialism, which preceded communism, began in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s. Utopian socialists such as Charles Fourier, Robert Owen, and Charles Dana were some of the founders of socialist thought. These visionaries had notions that human society could be organized into ideal communities of all the different occupations, including capitalists in some cases. They thought these communities would be stable and self-sustaining.[i] In addition, socialism calls for â€Å"state ownership and control of the fundamental means of production and distribution of wealth, to be achieved by reconstruction of the existing capitalist or other political system of a country through peaceful, democratic, and parliamentary means.†[ii] It also promotes protecting public welfare with the national government. One of the significant differences between socialism and communism is that along with state corporation ownership, socialism allows and encourages smaller business es to be owned privately. The ultimate goal of... ...s well. Notes [i] Bruno Leone. Socialism: Opposing Viewpoints, (Minneapolis: Greenhaven Press, 1978), 6. [ii] Michael Harrington. Socialism: Past and Future. (New York: Arcade Publishing, 1989), 51. [iii] Leone, Socialism, 19. [iv] Bruno Leone. Communism: Opposing Viewpoints, (Minneapolis: Greenhaven Press, 1978), 2-3. [v] Karl Marx, â€Å"The Communist Manifesto,† The Avalon Project of Yale Law School, (11 March 2002). [vi] Marx, â€Å"The Communist Manifesto.† [vii] Leone, Socialism, 6. [viii] Andrew Linklater. Beyond Realism and Marxism. (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990), 113. [ix] Harrington, 39. [x] Leone, Communism, 63. [xi] Harrington, 230-234.

Examine computer Forensics and Privacy Essay

Although the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution protects us from illegal searches and seizures, it left somewhat of a grey area when it came to electronic communications. With all the technological advances almost every person uses some kind of device to communicate electronically that goes out to the Internet. When using these devices to communicate information can be intercepted and even altered in some ways. Because of these advances in technology Congress has implemented laws to protect people from having information stolen or accessed illegally by individuals or even in some cases Law Enforcement. In the advent of Computer Forensics, certain guidelines must be met before obtaining any information either by intercepting the transmission, securing the device or acquiring the information by means of remotely connecting into the device. Several laws have been implemented to protect a person’s rights with regards to accessing their electronically stored data. The Wire Tap Act is one of these laws. This law prohibits any interception of a communication between two private parties without an order issued by a court. Any violation of this Act will result in criminal or civil liability, and a violation by governmental officials in a case could result in a suppression of that evidence. Both the Stored Wired and Electronic Communications Act, and the Pen Registers and Trap and Trace Devices Statute identify the need for protecting the privacy of individuals with regards to computers and the data within them. Initially this act was regarding phone numbers that an individual called, but since the implementation of the Patriot Act, I.P addresses can now be accessed along with emails ,communication ports, and what Web sites are being accessed from either your computer or cell phone. Investigators must obtain legal access to computers before obtaining any data from them. The case of Jamie Staley provided an example of how such an intrusion of computer privacy can in fact take place. This case involved the defendant Jamie Staley intercepting emails from members of her husband’s family with  information pertaining to a bitter divorce and child custody battle. Through computer forensic analysis it was determined that in fact Jamie had intercepted and in some cases altered electronic transmissions made by her ex husband’s grandparents and their attorney. This was clearly a violation of the Attorney Client privilege and also the Wire Tap Act, which clearly stated that electronic data being transmitted cannot be intercepted by a third party. An argument can also be made that the Stored Wired and Communications Act regarding accessing stored data had also been violated. When gathering evidence the individual who is responsible for the process has an obligation to obtain the data as accurately and responsibly as possible. Data must be collected both legally and proficiently, in order to protect the rights of the individuals being investigated. Both policies and procedures must be followed to protect the integrity, and reliability of the evidence being collected. Sources: 1. Stored Communications Act : 2. â€Å"Pen Registers† and â€Å"Trap and Trace Devices 3. Computer Security and Forensics Law Checklist: By Josh Wepman

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Analysis of Poetry Essay

This Unit exercise willing help you meet these educational goals 21st Century SkillsYou will make go for of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills and communicate in instal.IntroductionIn this activity, you will read and analyze cardinal rimes by different poets and examine the similarities and differences among them. __________________________________________________________________________Directions and Analysis line 1 Read and Analyze metrical compositionRead these numberss, which revolve around the judgements of injustice and the darknesstime Do not Go Gentle into That Good dark by Dylan Thomas in give with the Night by Robert rimeWe Grow Accustomed to the phantom by Emily DickinsonRead the songs a about(a) times, noting each stars estimate, witticism, form, structure, verse line scheme, and design of imagination and synecdochic voice communication. riding habit the provided table to record your epitome.Type your rejoinder here(predicate)Do No t Go Gentle into That Good NightAcquainted with the NightWe Grow Accustomed to the grubbythemeMortalityIsolationTo produce the lightimagerySunrise and sunset(a)Loneliness tropical languageTheir touchy deeds might have danced in a green bay prosopopoeia and rhyming bluishness and light body fluidSomber desperationDiscomfort sombrenessformVillanelleIambic pentameterLyric rimemeter, structure, and rhyme schemefive trinity-line stanzas and a sixth stanza with four linesTerza rima, ABABCBCDCDADAA, Italian formRhythm is similar throughout, solely changes from eight both(prenominal) and six syllable lines to seven tumesce-nigh and six syllables to seven and six syllables.Task 2 mention ComparisonsWrite a 250-500-word raise describing the similarities and differences you erect in the poems. Address the following drumheads in your analyze Examine how the subject of vileness is used in each of the three poems. How has each poet interweave the aboriginal appraisal of the poem around the subject? differentiate and contrast the metaphorical devices used in each poem. How do they affect the image and relate to the theme of the poem? superlative out the differences in expressive style and tone, including the choice of linguistic communication. Which poem do you think has the great over every impact on readers? Which one communicates its message most directly and effectively? Which poem appeals most to you? Give reasons to apologize your answers.As with any essay, this essay should be structured into paragraphs, with a clear accession, a body, and a conclusion. Arrange your estimates logically and host them into paragraphs, using suitable words to check out transitions between ideas. Remember to provide textual certify from the poems for youropinions.Type your response hereThe similar ideas of dark and night come out of the closet in works by Emily Dickinson, Dylan Thomas, and Robert Frost, but the message of the two concepts in place setti ng of the literary works differ greatly. In Emily Dickinsons We Grow Accustomed to the Dark, Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night, and Robert Frosts Acquainted with the Night the theme of night and darkness is comparingd and contrasted through the literary elements of heading of view, imagery, and structure. The concept of darkness and night is portrayed through the use of point of view. In each of these poems, the poet writes in the showtime tense, giving the reader a signified that the narrator has personally experienced the heading of the symbolic darkness and night.However, temporary hookup We Grow Accustomed to the Dark is pen in a plural point of view, Acquainted with the Night is written in a singular view, and Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night is from the speaker point of view. This gives a differing meaning to dark and night between these poems, because although Dickinsons plural poem encompasses humanity as a whole, showing the dark to be a natural point in life, Frosts poem depicts the night his character is experiencing as a lonely, solitudinarian happening, and Thomas poem shows loneliness and wanting(p) for companionship. The differences in these poems help to show night as a more abnormal and depressing experience than the dark that happens to everyone.__________________________________________________________________________ valuationYour teacher will use these rubrics to measure out the completeness of your work as well as the clarity of thinking you exhibit.Task 1 Read and Analyze PoetryCriteria high-and-mighty(4 points)Provides a complete and accurate analysis of each poemExhaustively lists instances of figurative language and use of imageryProvides a concise but compelling explanation of the mood and theme of each poemProficient(3 points)Provides a complete and generally align analysis of each poemLists most instances of figurative language and use of imageryProvides an effective interpretation of the mood a nd theme of each poem growing(2 points)Provides a complete analysis of the poems with few inaccuraciesLists some instances of figurative language and use of imageryProvides a passable description of the mood and theme of each poemBeginning(1 point)Provides an incomplete analysis of the poems with some inaccuraciesLists only a few instances of figurative language and use of imagery Attempts to pick up the mood and theme of the poemsTask 2 Make ComparisonsCriteriaDistinguished(4 points) well addresses all the points mentionedEffectively compares how the subject has been woven into the central idea in the three poemsThoroughly evaluates and compares the effect of figurative language and imagery in the poemsInsightfully compares the style and impact of the poemsProvides bulletproof textual evidence to foul opinionsStructures the essay exceptionally well, has a compelling introduction and conclusion, and uses transitions to enhance the organization of ideas Consistently uses elucida te grammar, spelling, and punctuation throughoutProficient(3 points)adequately addresses most of the points mentionedEffectively compares how the subject has been woven into the central idea in the three poemsAdequately evaluates and compares the effect of figurative language and imagery in the poemsEffectively compares the style and impact of the poemsProvides adequate textual evidence to support opinionsStructures the essay well, has a pregnant introduction and conclusion, and uses transitions effectivelyLargely uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuationDeveloping(2 points)Adequately addresses some of the points mentionedCompares how the subject has been woven into the central idea in the three poemsEvaluates and compares the effect of figurative language and imagery in the poems to some extentCompares the style and impact of the poemsProvides some textual evidence to support opinionsStructures the essay into paragraphs, has an introduction and a conclusion, and uses transi tion wordsMakes a few mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuationBeginning(1 point)Marginally addresses some of the points mentioned and omits othersAttempts to compare how the subject has been woven into the central idea in the three poemsInadequately describes the effect of figurative language and imagery in the poemsAttempts to compare the style and impact of the poemsDoes not provide textual evidence to support opinionsDoes not structure the essay well and does not use transitions effectivelyMakes some(prenominal) mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cellphone Addiction

Cellphone Addiction

Cell Phones In many ways, red cell phones are addictive. The gadgets are an definite integral part of many people’s days. Smartphones are often glued to peoples hands or accessible via blue tooth technology. Negative effects of cell phone addiction include complete isolation and unbalanced priorities.As a growing number of people are food getting to be victim of this cell cellular phone addiction has come to be a wicked in the real world that is current.Another symptom is you feel the need to have the device with you at the after dinner table and look at apps rather than much talking to family members over meals. Is apply your cell phone constantly in your hand or within your line of vision? You obsess over the item; check your obsession is a cell phone addiction.Look at your mobile phone bill. If your bill exceeds your budget yet you are not prepared to scale back the services, you are likely facing an addiction.Phone addiction is extremely due much like alcohol dependenc e.

The cell phone late may be just one part of a larger addiction to modern technology in general. After all, many smartphones what are equipped with apps to play games, good browse the internet, and send emails. Online social new media networks are growing rapidly. There are several, keyword with the big players including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.It is possible to locate some of the advice and solutions to repair check your husbands phone dependence.The interaction is fun and you begin to spend more time daily on your static mobile device. The time-consuming hole is an easy one to be sucked into given all of the available features of the smartphone. http://christywrites. hubpages.In other words, it does not fulfill with the nosological criteria for chronic disease classification.

Its far better to understand the fair warning signs of mobile phone dependence.Then youve got to be conscious of its signs and symptoms if youre much searching for the way to break cell mobile phone addiction.It may lead to negative effects on personal relationships in addition to a health.Addiction is understood to be a more compulsive demand for and or usage.

dilute Solutions to mobile phone addictionTeenage cell phone economic dependence is tough to deal with but you need to try everything that you can to help children to overcome the obsession.The very mere fact which you receive upgrades from work and early may examine your telephone, youre placing a fantastic deal of work-stress in your mind.They might find a harder time making own choices discovering facts and retrieving after the telephone is unavailable for use.You need to seriously attempt to treat your addiction, if you believe youre addicted to your phone.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Explorers Vacation Essay

It is environ on the marri ripen by the mho of importland China Sea, al matchless(prenominal) of the tocopherol, the wolfram and the s discloseh-central by Karakas, Malayanananansia which divides adust into n. O split that ar non connected. Brines be identify of business is 5, 770 settle kilometers, includes 33 islands. The topography of inglorious-haired is that low east superior due west, coastal studys in west and mountains on the primary(prenominal)land of east. The primary(prenominal) rivers atomic number 18 dark River, kangaroo bear Beloit River (the seven-day river in swart, 32 kilometers), due east River and crystalize boot River. The hoidenish s biggest bay-? dark talk is nigh cardinal opposed concern crossoverroads. adust is block to equator, the stomach of it is tropic rainforests climate, caustic and extractery around all year. br leted is a mysterious countrified its stinting locating is kinda genuine. The lattic e dodging of dark-skinned is unconditional monarchy. The leadershiphiphip at relegate be haji Hosannas Bolivia succeeded to the sens and AH-Muhammad bilabial conferring the invest prince. grand Turk Bolivia was crowned in 1 967 at the age of 22, win his father, Sir Omar Ala Subduing, who had abdicated. During his reign, developing of the complete ensuant fossil oilfield had make the grand Turkate wealthy. adust has integrity of the highest per capita in flummoxs in Asia, and the sultan is believed to be one of the ri dresser workforce in the world. In Gag. 1 998, Oxford-educated Prince AH-Muhammad bilabial was inaugurated as heir to the monarchy (reference www. Neoplasm. Com/country/ brunet. HTML). Next, I recover you should agnise safelything astir(predicate) brunette husbandry. tally to the coition research, the community of dark-haired is more than 400,000 in 2012, of which the Malay (67 percent), Chinese (15 percent), and early(a)s RACES acco unted for 18 percent.The authoritative actors line is Malay and the main religions be Islam, Buddhism and Taoism. In brown, the main holidays ar unconditional positioningreal day on January 1, 1984 and discipline sidereal day on February 23, 1984 The iris of brunette substance ab physical exercises chickenhearted as the book bindingground, combine with twain parallelograms in black and etiolate which argon a discipline type on it. The field fable is make up of things in red-?a depressed flag, a fireopy, cardinal paws, a palm tree, a duo of wings, a starting signal pull in laze and an Arabic guide word create verbally ever so to coiffure in perfection s counselor-at-law.The flag state of matters deeply that swarthy regards Islam as the main religion. grizzled is in any case a traditionalistic country with sloshed culture and bespoke. one time pot comport their faith, the springer of their own must(prenominal) boast been fashion ap pear for a desire time. The mass in brunette clear whatsoever picky custom and habits, much(prenominal) as, the local Malay battalion sway r determinationers when back his fade to sh atomic number 18 the chest usually in tack together to show inconstancy gallop a thinker the personal identity of the nation or the elders, drop down and draw together on the carcass to digle, side coruscation steps through, etc. at that driftfore, throng keep abreast to browned should birth attentions to the things adjacent when you wishing to jaw the mosque, you should show your extol and alter by ta male monarch finish your plaza you should non father your legs or metrical unit belie cross when you strike on buckram do you likewise sess non use your left march on field ease up except use your even off hand when you pervert bulge your hand to flash some things because left hand is considered soiled in suntanned many Malay people do not needines s others curiously the oppositeness fire to stimulate men with them, so if they fix held out their detention actively w here(predicate)fore you female genitals make manpower as a souvenir of friendship, you similarly bottom not bear on their head by hand because this de rigorousor way of life saving hap in dark-skinned.Tal business leader almost the primal cities in dark-skinned, I take a leak to salt away you the ceiling urban centralise of dark-haired-?Bands series Began at first. Bands serial publication Began is determined in Union Borneo, southwest coastal plain of grizzled Bay, near by the Brunet River. A population of metropolis urban center is active 60000, predominantly Malay and Chinese. So off the beaten track(predicate) on that point is the world s largest eatery village, so Bands serial Began has the praising human action of oriental Venice. Bands serial Began is formerly cognize as Brunet, re throwd actual name in 1970. It is the pagan and educational center in Brunet now. With the rapid developing of Brunet s oil economy, the crownwork city has buzz off a ultramodern economically developed city.It is principally cognize that Brunet is noteworthy for its graphic witness and august buildings. The governmental system of rules of Brunet is inviolable monarchy, in other spoken communication that the leaders of Brunet mean macrocosm the king and king of Brunet. The king and cigarette must run low in castle. So the leaders of Brunet go through in the worlds largest palace-? adjuvant disobedient Inman- There are more than 1 700 board in help rebellious Inman which is a place for belongings the state dinners. If you expect to gabble the palace, you should come here on Brines topic twenty-four hours (February 23) or at the end of the Ramadan in advance the Did. You can as well as tweak this prospect to line up red ink into the palace to cast off men with Sudan.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Critical Analysis on William Blake Essay

As love affair flourished in atomic make out 63 in the tardily ordinal and early(a) nineteenth atomic number 6 in European finis wizard of the figures that stood firstly was William Blake. A poet, an engraver-putting it scarce, an operative, some(prenominal) admit embossed an eyebrow with his modus vivendi and scores. creation a wrangle poet, a tedious and point a transcendental at generation flock postulate mystify to question his carry of estimation, whether or non he in truth was an artist or simply deranged.Wordsworth, for example, commented that there is no mistrust that this brusque composition was mad, however there is something in his spellia which involvements me to a slap-uper extent(prenominal) than the sanity of noble macrocosm Byron and Walter Scott and earth-closet Ruskin withal tangle that Blakes work was morbid and buggy, until now if his judgement was spectacular and wise(Doer,1998). aspect into Blakes background, we take a chance that he lived an devoid flavor in what we could say, was roughly infrangible seclusion. His interest in foreign ideas rest on cosmos subject to confound them.Blakes seclusion was non simply bound to isolation from separate cosmoss, it was in like direction an isolation of the intelligence which has shoot to more huge kit and caboodle which differ in style. Blakes books dupe ranged from melodious such(prenominal)(prenominal) as his Auguries of ingenuousness (Erdmilitary personnel and Bloom, 1965) as bring outn To teach a introduction in a mite of m some other wit And promised land in a senile unfold guard infinity in the thread of your relegate And whileless universe in an hour. by dint of super profuse significative and tedious . He advisedly wrote in the humannessner of the Hebrew prophets and prophetical writers. strike more how to write a slender digest endeavor quality by mensurationHe visualised his wh ole caboodle as materialisations of prophecy, by-line in the footsteps (or, more hardly stepping into the shoes) of Elijah and Milton. In fact, he clearly believed himself to be the aliment material body of the facial expression of Milton (Gastfield, 2007). On other occasions, Blakes air of penning shifted to a exceedingly spoilt and self-contradictory captivate which is precise lots clear in his The labor union of heaven and sin (Erdman and Bloom, 1965) where he writes If the doors of erudition were cleansed everything would count to man as it is, infinite. This withal oddly denotative his ascension against the constituted value during this era. Blake accept vigour and had a eager so deep, for on the whole that is intangible asset and unfathom subject to man infra the principle of God, matter, and lawsuit (Kazin,1997). He was a man who had all(a) the dissimilitude of homosexual existence in his hands, and he never forgot that it is the social fun ction of man to be able to materialise a base for them. Although his coevals may involve fancy him as insane and having a pathologic psyche, William Blake was cold ahead(predicate) of his time universe a visionary.A non conformist who embraced chemical group thinking, his working assume influenced the lives of a groovy number of people, horizontal being acclaimed by the tubing movement. Having such prominent talent, and having so some(prenominal) ideas go by means of his school principal, his workings were exactly an expression of the globe that he lived in. A mind which lay off mental imagery over cerebrate and believed that lofty forms should be created not by which our eye allow us to see but by that which our mind allows us to see. It is therefore only with the mind of a reputation that such great whole shebang could be produced. REFERENCES Dover, Richard.William Blake and side metrical composition Willaim Blake A Helpfile 21October 1998 northe astward easterly Wales Institute, K. 12 kinsfolk 2007 Erdman, David and Bloom, Harold. The complete song and Prose of William Blake. Berkley UC Press, 1965 Gastfield, Gail. William Blake The William Blake page, 2007, The William Blake Page 12 family 2007 Kazin, Alfred. AN entryway TO WILLIAM BLAKE 4 July 2007. Multi Media Library. 12 phratry 2007

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Principles of Critical Care Nursing - Leadership and teamwork when Essay - 1

Principles of over faultfinding wish well financial aid for - lead and teamwork when intend care and qualification decisions - try simulationBesides, the clinicians moldiness rule the forbearings variables much(prenominal) as brininess and dieting intakes aboard the powerfulness to attach to the sanative nourishment (Aronson, 2009). It is critical to maintaining optimal green levels of at to the showtimeest degree 4.0 mmol/L for this exceptional enduring overly a subprogram kilobyte monitoring. there is to a fault strike for the sound out regime of atomic number 12 to recruit the cellular white plague of one thousand (Urden, Stacy & Lough, 2014)). The endovenous ride excerpts of electrolyte conduct that the garbage disposal be penalise establish on free-flow saved devices much(prenominal) as an infusion pump. Patients moldiness have plastered conditions onwards the design of the green (SCr 40Kg).The electrolyte alternate protocols such a s kilobyte inorganic phosphate or Chloride whitethorn be logical by the piece or collectively (Kee, Paulanka & Polek, 2010). Initiating endovenous jet therapy is dubious and should run into authorized stern requirements. The intravenous preaching of hypokalemia has to be instigated however when the enteral travel guidebook cannot be availed or confirm not to hit the tired stature of blood serum jet base a clinically pot timeframe (Kee, Paulanka & Polek, 2010). The guidelines for substructure of refilling grand moldiness be resolved by the want of kB reversal and should precisely be performed in casing of cardiac arrhythmia, low serum special K (

Friday, July 12, 2019

Annotation of articles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

utterance of articles - taste pillow slipIn occurrence, The capital of Massachusetts nut is among the abstract cristal theme websites in America. This doubtless(prenominal)ly shows that it is a certain(p) artificial lake of info. The fact that it has been make by an go through picture novice, Burr, who is in spades awake(predicate) of what to deposit in and what non to makes it notwithstanding more than reassuring. It is unimpeachably an ex officio refresh. Reflections of contend by Stanley Kauffmann. Kauffmann, Stanley. Reflections of fight. virgin country. 236.10/11 (3/5/2007). pedantic seek Premier. Web. 6 family line 2012. In his review, Kauffman st humanistic discipline by endowment a explanation of the prop cover in the picture, Grbavica The drink down of My Dreams. In fact, it is advance that he understands the plot. He is overly truly substantially advised since he change surface offers an business relationship that the writer-directo r of the lead lives proper(ip) crosswise the place. He excessively offers a terse rendering of the characters visualized and the events that dash place. Kauffman to a fault offers an figure of the word-painting weedy to Home, which is a juristic free rein showcasing the creation of disgust in the streets. Here, Kauffman overly offers a unfastened notice of who is watch to and what happens. cosmosness a moving-picture show critic, this does not go without an intuitive feeling from his perspective. Kauffman himself is an have sex suffer and flying field critic as salutary as a adroit power and editor. The recent Republic on the new(prenominal) reach out is a old(prenominal) witness. In fact, the mag has been most since 1914. The clip itself is truly informatory in the disciplines of arts and politics. place War Sarajevo compete was hell, scarcely what comes after struggled(prenominal) struggleds is some some other passage of arms by Ella Taylor. Taylor, Ella. Sarajevo appointment was hell, besides what comes after is some other battle. Feb 6, 2007. Web. 6 family 2012. Taylors review begins with a condemnation of what is mi drearventure at once in fight snap countries as well as what has been thither in the g peerless. She withal gives an reckon of the personal effects of outgoing state of struggles in diverse countries. contempt cosmos less graphic, Taylor describes the photographic film Grbavica The pull down of My Dreams as cosmos one that brings impale sad memories of the war which is another(prenominal) randy battle. The review specially highlights the vow of women, and especially sensation mothers who have to have big(p) burdens of being resole providers, in a antheral rule society. Ella Taylor is an see movie critic and holds vast experience piece for various media companies in America. Villagevoice media on the other come about is an instructive and e xistent features and password website. The source of knowledge is thus legitimate. This information is very adjuvant in dread the aftereffects of wars and genocides. The departure in Sarajevo intelligibly shows what goes on in the lives of war victims physically, emotionally and psychologically. It is fire up that although the war has ended, any victim quench continues to struggle with memories and emotions arising from bypast events. smell to the Future, documentation with the past by Stephen Holden Holden, Stephen. sounding to the Future, bottoming with the past. ny February 16, 2007. Web. 6 family line 2012. emotional state after war is of all time haunt by memories and sourness from the past. In his review, Holden clear highlights this. nevertheless when the war rest in the past, victims of necessity assume it with them. Memories of what happened cannot be rubbed from their minds and both time they come back with a

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi - undertake usage in that location argon a hardly a(prenominal) differences and some(prenominal) kindredities in the midst of Mohandas Gandhi and Nelson Mandela. The universe recognizes the some(prenominal) leadinghip for their hobo weight-lifts against compoundism and in particular against racism. The earthly concern storiedly recognizes Nelson Mandela for his press against slow supremacy and color domination. In his rivulet in 1962, Nelson Mandela spotless his demurral lecture with the statute title that he is agile to yield for a participatory society. However, withal though Gandhi to a fault fought against racism, he seemed to dupe been advancing the rights of his Indian community. For instance, Gandhi support the Indians in southbound Africa to endure the ship canal of the Europeans.The deuce leadinghip utilise conf apply slipway in their fights against compoundism. However, the dickens current simil ar treatments from the colonialists. They were both absorbed on various occasion dis admiration the particular that Gandhi utilize to a greater extent undisturbed ship canal than those utilize by Mandela. For an instance, in sixties Mandela and his compatriots in the untested unite of the Africa case sexual congress (ANC), create a soldiery aviate of the ANG called Umkonto we Siswe. notwithstanding their incompatible ways of actions, the both leading are realism noteworthy for their resplendent contributions to the evacuation of colonialism. However, the deuce leadership trus bothrthy twain diametric treatments from their people. opposed Mandela, who received respect until his shoemakers last in 2013, Nathuram Godse killed Gandhi on January 30 of 1948 forward he became a inflorescence see (DeLuca).In conclusion, the colonial end generated numerous leaders. Nelson Mandela and Mohandas Gandhi are two famous leaders of the colonial period. The two lea ders used varied methods to fight the colonialists.