Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Memo - Essay Example The challenge has been brought forth due to the over consumption of oil by the nation and the recent developments in global warming and its connection to some energy sources. The Government and supporting organization have continued to develop energy sources, which are cleaner, and efficient. This has mostly been experienced in the domestic energy sector. More households have taken up renewable energy sources in the form of wind, geothermal, hydro, marine and solar energy to provide for their needs. Renewable energy comprises of just over 6 percent of the total energy used in the United States, but this figure is set to grow given the technology advancement within the energy field (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, p.6). On the other hand, fossil fuels which are non renewable (Miller & Spoolman, 2012, p.370) still account for the majority share of the national energy consumption with a figure of 85% (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, p.6) Energy and Pollution A study in 2002 by the Journal of th e American Medical Association states â€Å"exposure to air pollution poses the same risks of dying from lung cancer and heart disease as does living with a smoker.† (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, p.18). ... Lead, mercury and arsenic are some of the toxic metals that are released during combustion at source and during consumption. Coal is said to emit approximately 48 tons of mercury in the air annually combined with oil they produce 42 percent of such emissions (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, p.18). Studies have shown that these emissions are directly affecting American women of childbearing age because their blood mercury concentration is high enough to kill a growing fetus (Worldwatch Institute, 2006, p.18). Water pollution is a resultant effect during energy production from fossil fuels. Water is needed for cooling in power plants and the discharge contains heat and chemicals which pollute land and water where it is released (Miller & Spoolman, 2012, p.383). Energy Sources There are numerous sources of energy that can be used in combinations to provide for all kinds of energy needs such as heating, transportation and electricity. These sources can be divided into two for renewable and n on renewable sources such as fossil fuels. America needs to improve on its renewable energy sources to cut on costs of purchasing fossil fuels from other countries, instead focus on becoming self sustaining by use of renewable sources (CSIS, 2011, p.5). The growing tensions, change in political ideologies and security concerns with oil producing countries have over the years increased risk of over reliance on oil imports (CSIS, 2011, p.14). This has seen the threat of war and fuel import restrictions between the countries grow. This has led America to seek other sustainable alternatives within its borders. Nuclear, it is used mostly in the production of electricity by boiling water to

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